This is why it is NOT working for YOU

Good evening Reader! I'm sitting here eating a pink sugar cupcake and was like how many days till the new year? Hey Alexa how many days were left till 2024? Whew, we are 3 weeks and 4 days (25 days away) from another new year.

I'm not gonna front and tell you that 2023 was my best year. It was full of ups and downs. The one thing that pulled me over the hump was my faith and my kingdom family!

We must have a solid plan to execute in 2024. Most coaches/consultants will give or sell you the blueprint for X but what they don't tell you is that it won't work for YOU! They are giving you directions on how to make $5K, 10K, and 50K months so where are things falling apart? You have a car with no tires, steering wheel, no radio, no seats, and the front and back window of your car are missing.

Here is what you need to make the strategy work:

  • Clarity on your personal brand- who in the hell are you? That hiding mess is played out.
  • Do you know what your audience wants (pleasure) and do you know what brings them pain?
  • Do you know how to gain attention for your brand, lead magnet, and your offer?
  • Speaking of lead magnets do you have one?
  • Do you have an email list?
  • Do you have a text list?
  • Do you have an email list?
  • You need 1 or more of these things above to build an audience.
  • Do you create content? Before you say" But Ramonica, I don't like video" my response is you don't like going to work but you still go. So why won't you go hard for your business?
  • Content includes:
    • Newsletter
    • Magazine
    • V-book
    • Email
    • Podcast
    • Blog
    • Video
      • Livestream
      • Shorts, Reel, TikTok
      • YouTube
      • Pre-recorded 1-minute videos
      • Stories on FB/IG
  • Do you know how to edit your videos?
  • Do you have a BIG ring light or a Big softbox?
  • What software do you use to edit? Yes, editing matters. You need content that will catch the attention of your people.
  • What is your offer?
  • Is it a digital product or a service?
  • What platform do you use for your course?
  • Do you have Stripe or PayPal to collect payment?
  • Do you have a website or a simple landing page?
  • Do you have a site you can use for consulting calls?
  • Do you have a marketing strategy to launch your products?
  • Do you have a link in your bio on your social media platforms?
  • Do you have a system to make money while you are on vacation?
  • Do you have an automation setup to deliver emails and digital downloads?
  • Do you have someone to teach you these things?
  • Do you have someone to hold you accountable?
  • Do you have a community of positive women around you?
  • If you answered NO to 5 or more is it safe to say that you need help?

You have 25 days to prepare for a new year of success. If you are saying I'm going to wait until the holidays are over before I get started that is a big mistake.

If you are ready to get help with the list above hit reply and type ready.

If you have any questions I have a site for you to leave me a question or comment about this email. Click here.

Ramonica Plishett

*Generated Half a Million in sales for their brands with short-form video marketing *375+ women Get Comfortable in Front of Their Phone . I help women entrepreneurs unleash their brand's viral potential through killer video content creation! With over 10 years of experience in marketing, video, and sales. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your video game to the next level let's chat!

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